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Leadership, an Asian Perspective

No, not tough love! But understanding that western approaches to leadership advocated by textbooks and universities the world over are not the definitive guide to leadership, and that cultural factors play a strong influencing role in curating environments and driving team performance results.

With our current challenging work circumstances caused by the pandemic and new norm,  many employees at all levels are feeling insecure, worrying about their future and having job jitters and anxiety, understandably.

We each have our own way of thinking, processing information, solving problems, communicating and handling others.  When faced with change, new work environments or work-from-home realities, pivots between old and new modes and models, everyone has a preference for how would want to handle a project, task or deliver on an objective.

Leadership skills in understanding team members, their thinking, the way they process information, what they are motivated by have become increasingly important.  This is especially when we are influencing and motivating others remotely.  

One approach is to understand things from your team member’s perspectives, by examining their perspectives and by understanding the five (5) approaches from the Asian Personality Profiling System.

If we have a preference for the analysis or thinking-oriented approach, we will feel extremely uncomfortable if we have to take quick decisions and actions when we do not have enough time to research and gather information.

Similarly, if our preference is for action-taking, it is extremely unnerving when we are placed in a position where our main job role or function is focused on research and strategic thinking without the authority to delegate and take action.


The article below by Janet Yung shares how you can utilise the five (5) approaches from the Asian Personality Profiling System to influence and motivate your team members more effectively.


Leadership Skills | Why We Do Things The Way We Do?

“I am uncomfortable with this new task.”

“I am stressed out as I can’t seem to fit into this new company…”

“We are adjusting to you, just like you are trying to adapt to us…”

These are parts of recent conversations that I had with my clients, ex-colleagues and friends. With the ever changing corporate landscape – and the current challenging work circumstances caused by the pandemic and new norm,  many executives are feeling insecure, worrying about their future and having job jitters and anxieties.

I wrote (in “Different Strokes for Different Folks –”) that each of us has our own way of thinking, processing information, solving problems, communicating and handling others.  When faced with a change, a new work environment, a restructure from the old to the new, everyone has a preference for how we will handle a project, task or deliver an objective.

When we feel uncomfortable at work, it is usually not because of our capability in delivering the targets and objectives.   But how we feel about fitting in the company culture, and the interaction style differences with our immediate superior or colleagues.

The Asian Personality Profiling System

Shown below are the five different approaches based on the time-tested Asian Personality Profiling System – Bazi:

Details in Being Happy and Successful – Managing Yourself and Others


Leadership skills in understanding team members, their thinking, the way they process information, what they are motivated by have become ever more important.  This is especially when we are influencing and motivating others remotely these days.  One approach is to understand things from your team member’s perspective by examining through the 5 approaches from the Asian Personality Profiling System mentioned above.

If we have a preference for the analysis or thinking-oriented approach, we will feel extremely uncomfortable if we have to take quick decisions and actions when we do not have enough time to research and gather information.

Similarly, if our preference is for action-taking, it is extremely unnerving when we are placed in a position where our main job role or function is focused on research and strategic thinking without the authority to delegate and take action.

What’s important is to understand the approach you or your team. member are comfortable with – to identify or work with someone who is able to complement your approach in delivering the objectives; and to understand others’ approach vs yours, so that you can map out an appropriate strategy to handle the situation.

The 5 Approaches

Watch this short video to understand how you can influence others from their perspective utilizing the 5 approaches mentioned above:

In today’s challenging environment, when deploying the right person in the right situation and role, together with the correct approach applied by the person in the appropriate scenario, everyone (both the individual and the organization) can benefit:


“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”


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