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Clients, We Need to Talk

Building a solid relationship with clients requires patience and understanding even when dealing with headstrong corporate clients. We chatted with Orchan’s Founding Director, Farrell Tan, to get some practical tips on effective techniques to manage clients well.

How to Leave a Good Impression on Clients?

I think Clients value honesty, perspective and someone to bounce ideas with, taking into account their communication needs. However, good ideas are worthless without results. So, in the context of an agency providing PR services to Clients, you need to have good ideas (which incorporate sound strategy) that lead to measurable results. This needs to be continuously replicated if you work on their brand for a long period of time.

How to Engage in a Good Relationship with Clients ?

Be yourself. Treat them with respect. Take ownership of their business as if it is your own; and have their best interests at heart, at all times.

How do You Deal with Stubborn Clients?

At the end the day, a Client still makes the final decision. As an agency, our role is to provide counsel (or advice) based on our expertise. Should a Client feel that their way is right or better than what we've recommended, we can either proceed (based on their decision) but make sure that we're not made accountable if results are lacklustre; or we can choose to pull out if we are strongly against it. Either way, we need to make sure that our approach is always professional.

How do You Deal with Multiple Clients at Once?

By multitasking!

You need to learn how to prioritise, and make sure they feel that you're not neglecting them.

Easier said than done, but with practice, it is achievable.

How do You Resolve The Situation if You Unintentionally Offended a Client?

Apologise and move on. Some mistakes can be salvaged, some not. You need to be able to accept the repercussions, if any. Not all apologies will be accepted, but I'd like to think that if the mistake is small, and the value you bring to the table far outweigh the mistake, the Client will be able to move past it.

Learn more below to find out ways of better engaging with corporate clients.

Hey AV, We Need to Talk
Ways of Better Engaging With Corporate Clients

Working with corporate clients globally for over 20 years, there is one thing that occurs over and over again: AV is not engaging with corporate clients in a more meaningful and effective way. What do I mean by meaningful and effective? I mean in a way that engages the AV vendor with the corporate client for a long-term partnership and higher-level discussions. That is the goal, isn’t it? To get higher, to Elevate!

AV is a combination of technology and construction; we are the technology contractors of collaboration. It is not as simple as buying a device, connecting, and then just going, as other trades might think. AV takes different devices with connectors, software, cables, brackets, etc. and constructs collaborative systems designed to the users’ workflow and environment. It’s like putting together a Lego set, except you have to select the right pieces and sometimes test and reshape them in order to assemble a working system. If this is the case, how does AV better engage with corporate clients to convey their full value and efficiencies?

There Is More Than One Decision Maker

First and foremost, you need to know there is more than one decision maker at corporate organizations. Many times I hear people say, “I know a guy there.” A guy? Just one? Why not a few people? Why not people in other business units? Yes, AV for the most part is decided at the AV/IT technology manger's level, but not always. Corporate tech teams’ roles are blending with other roles and departments. There are different business divisions and units that make their own decisions on AV tech. I know what you’re thinking: what if you upset your main contact because they feel you are going around them? SO DON’T! Ask for permission, ask for direction.. just ask. This helps your contact become the liaison and perhaps the champion for their colleagues in solving their AV problems. If you ask and they say, “That’s not me” or “I don’t know,” then you have indirect permission to explore on your own.

Engagement is Not Just for Sales

Most of the time salespeople are the front line to an AV company. Now—and most especially now—everyone has to be prepared to take the front line with the salesforce. By everyone, I mean VPs and executives of key departments like finance, operations, and service. Engineers, project managers, technicians—they are already there. Corporate understands that successful long-term relationships require key team managers to oversee the delivery of the promises, commitments, and/or solutions that sales prescribe. Just like your corporate clients have to collaborate in-house to deliver to their internal clients, they expect the same of their vendors. Some clients are not so effective and this is where an AV vendor can show them the way.

Presentation is Key

Now in the age of COVID-19, presentation is key. Since most meetings are now virtual, your presence and content to keep engagement will be crucial. Realistically, AV traditionally meets in person with clients. They do not often use virtual tools, nor know how to use them decently enough to be engaging. Corporate clients do. They train and work with their end users to enable them to virtually meet with their clients and supply chains successfully, and often. Some virtual meeting tips:

Have a Strong Network: Hate when someone’s video and audio cuts out? Well, so does your corporate client. They do make allowances due to this time, but show them you are up to the task. Get situated wherever you are with a consistently working network.

Learn the VMR: Whether you are using Microsoft Teams, Cisco Webex, Zoom, Google Meet, etc., learn how to use the functions. There are online trainings for all these tools. Take them, and then practice, practice, practice. No, they do not all function the same way.

Content is Your Friend: Have some sort of presentation, whether it be PowerPoint, a video clip, or a demo. If your meeting does not require that, then make sure you always have your video on. Allow you clients to see you and engage somehow.

To the Eye of the Beholder: Be neat in appearance. Whether at home or live, be well groomed—no ZZ Top Beards. If you have to have a beard, clean it up. Dress the part of your client. You will never go wrong with a suit, but if not, mirror their work attire to effectively assimilate to their culture and gain trust.

Can We Just Talk?

Don’t sell to them; talk to them. Get a deeper engagement to understand more of their pain, to learn more about their business entity, to give them back more of their time. The more you know about your client and their business, the more opportunity you have to find other areas where you can support them. I worked with a client who had 100-plus business entities that made their own decisions (had their own budgets). It was hard for the shared services team to provide a streaming solution that matched all their business units’ needs. So, I did my own R&D expedition (with permission) and came back to the table with a data report they never had before. With that, I developed a catalog of three flavors of streaming applications available to all their business units. I also developed more meaningful relationships in which they understood I wasn’t trying to sell them; I was trying to solve for them. By just talking to them periodically and doing check-ins, I created more time for them, less work, and solved a problem. Now how good did that make them feel?!

Be Easy to Do Business With

What drives a corporate client berserk is a vendor that is hard to do business with. If Corporate Client A needs a room implemented in 6–8 weeks and it takes 4 weeks to issue a PO, what do you do, what do you do? If you do all the previous steps and discover their process for issuing orders and payments and the timespan of these business functions, then getting other stakeholders in your company engaged with you and the client to help you put together a method of satisfying your internal stakeholder and your corporate client. Operations and back offices be a little bit amenable to change. AV is all about presenting different options, so why leave it up to sales reps only?

In the end, a corporate client that sees you are willing to be flexible with alternatives will always keep you front of mind. I can’t begin to list the number of corporate clients I have worked with that complained about how the prior vendor‘s people never worked with them, never understood their organization, and never called them. They used the sales rep to run interference to spare internal stakeholders the pain of talking to the client. Do you think a corporate tech manager with a decent amount of AV work will accept that for long? Would you?


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