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Recovery Planning Considerations

Now is not the time to sit and lick our wounds. It is the time to plan, with new parameters in place. It’s time to be proactive and to ensure that our brand voice is still part of the broader societal narrative.

At the most simplistic level, take stock of where you are, what has changed for your brand recently, and under a variety of scenarios, where will your brand be in future times? What messaging do you require to make your brand retain relevance? Is your current messaging, and communication channels, up to that task? If not, ask yourself, what needs to change?

What two weeks ago – may have been a fantastic campaign – could today be accused of being tone deaf or completely offensive.

That’s ok.

Pull it.

Re-jig it.

And put it out there again in an evolved / realigned format.

It’s not the time to be complacent and sit back, cancelling promotional and online communication activities. Now more than ever, your brand must be heard – but the right message must be heard to retain loyalty and customer interest. Step up your communication, especially online through whatever platforms affordable to you; but be heard.

Patterns of media consumption are changing yet again, and as we move drastically away from offline formats (less physical papers being printed) towards online formats and new media, our media buy and our PR efforts have to experience a paradigm shift

Understand your customers changing priorities. What new needs do they have, and how can you contribute to that? It’s not rocket science and it’s not different from the “business-as-usual” model we practice – its just accelerated in the current time.


The graphic above gives relevant considerations for us to digest. Although unlikely to use all, it’s good to consider which ones are relevant for us at this moment, and which will be beneficial into the future, and when.

Don’t get caught behind the 8 ball – be ahead of it with a little new thinking to evolve into Business 5.0 and realigning your communications with new customer needs – needs that have started to show over the past couple of weeks, and needs that continue to emerge as the world faces a major paradigm shift.

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