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A Micro-Personal Approach to PR?

Whether we are doing Public Relations or Advertising, we generally assume that our targets are cohorts - be those demographic or psychographic - the common denominator being 'groups' of potential stakeholders that we want to reach out to. Over time, technology has ensured that we can better target these groups, by leveling-up on the criterion we wish to distinguish them by. But it seems, for Facebook at least, that this is not yet enough.

Rather than personalised communications, we now have the opportunity for individualised communication. Whilst the following article calls it 'advertising', the technique applies equally to public relations initiatives too, and is something that may emerge as a tool in our collective arsenals in to the future. Potentially great for targeting high net worth individuals; the only issue - do they use Facebook still?

Whilst the interest may amass, and potential benefits may start to shine through, there is also some ethical challenges to be overcome first, especially in relation to the behemoths standard of data collection (and protection) on individuals. 

We're not sure we will see this being an approach in 2022, but with such an unpredictable world, and the desire to increasingly approach niche markets, such an approach may be mainstream in the blink of an eye.


To Quote:

"A new research paper written by a team of academics and computer scientists from Spain and Austria has demonstrated that it’s possible to use Facebook’s targeting tools to deliver an ad exclusively to a single individual if you know enough about the interests Facebook’s platform assigns them.

The paper — entitled “Unique on Facebook: Formulation and Evidence of (Nano)targeting Individual Users with non-PII Data” — describes a “data-driven model” that defines a metric showing the probability a Facebook user can be uniquely identified based on interests attached to them by the ad platform.

The researchers demonstrate that they were able to use Facebook’s Ads manager tool to target a number of ads in such a way that each ad only reached a single, intended Facebook user.

The research raises fresh questions about potentially harmful uses of Facebook’s ad targeting tools, and — more broadly — questions about the legality of the tech giant’s personal data processing empire given that the information it collects on people can be used to uniquely identify individuals, picking them out of the crowd of others on its platform even purely based on their interests".


There is indeed a lot more to this than the above few paragraphs, and we suggest that if you're interested, check out the full article and/or the research paper which delves into considerably more detail:

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