“Is It
Because I’m Chinese?”
by Terence Tee)
I’m sure we’ve all heard that Go-Jek incident that happened recently in Singapore. Allow me to refresh your memory, just in case. A Go-Jek driver was accused by his passenger of “kidnapping” and cheating her while travelling through morning rush hour. The female passenger was trying to avoid the country’s toll system (ERP). When the passenger failed to give alternative routes that would bypass ERP to the driver, the driver then took the route suggested by a GPS. The passenger ultimately claimed the driver was trying to cheat her. She then called out for help and when she failed to open the door, she accused the driver of trying to kidnap her and holding her hostage. The entire incident was recorded by the driver’s in-car camera, and the video was posted on Facebook on 31 January, allegedly a few days after the incident. The video then went viral overnight.
Netizens were impressed at how calmly the driver treated the situation. They however, had disparaging comments about the passenger and the way she handled the situation. Which brings me to my perspective about the story.
I personally do not endorse her treatment of the driver in any way. However, I do not agree with the way people, mainly on the internet, are acting towards her. This incident morphed into an instant internet buzz. Every part of the internet you go to, from Twitter to Instagram, there are memes made about this incident. From the racial remark of “Is it because I’m Chinese?” to her not knowing about the auto-lock function in a car. There are memes everywhere poking fun of her. I’m not saying that she did not deserve the teasing from the internet, I just find it fascinating that people are being so judgemental without knowing the whole story.
The blame on the story is now very one-sided. Everyone is now thinking that she’s at fault, but things could’ve been very different if she had responded to the story and offered her perspective on what had happened. If she would have offered her point of view, the audience would have been more sympathetic towards her, even if she was in the wrong. She may have been in actual danger before the segment of the video that is posted. She’s now being seen as insincere due to her lack of transparency about what has happened, hence all support for her were diminished.
This serves as an important PR lesson. Silence speaks volumes. Always put forward your version of the story, regardless if you’re right or wrong. You might think that staying silent is the best way to approach a crisis like this; but as we all observed, sometimes staying silent might allow somebody else (the internet in this scenario) to take control of the narrative.
Viral Video of Dispute With Gojek Driver: Disturbing to see Passenger Being Mocked
and Shamed
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It is disturbing to see that a large majority of those who commented think that it is all right to name and shame the passenger, with memes to mock her words, writes the reader. |
In a recent viral video which showed a Gojek driver and his female passenger arguing about the route to take to get to her destination, the woman claimed that the driver had locked the car door on purpose and intended to kidnap her when they could not settle the dispute. The driver was later interviewed by the authorities in an investigation but has been allowed to continue driving for the moment.
During the whole frenzy over this incident, there arose what I think is a disproportionate response of moral (or rather immoral) outrage at the woman, ranging from mockery to outright vulgar responses.
I've seen comments by people who used crude terms to describe her and who posted her name and whereabouts.
It is disturbing to see that a large majority of those who commented think that it is all right to name and shame her, with memes to mock her words.
Even government agencies such as the Singapore Police Force, the Singapore Civil Defence Force and the Republic of Singapore Air Force have made posts referring to the “auto-lock” function in the Gojek driver's vehicle.
I think one alarming facet of the practice of online naming and shaming is the idea that as the number of people sharing the same sentiments (in this case, in support of the driver) grows, the magnitude of the bullying increases.
It has gone beyond merely informing the public about passengers’ behaviours towards drivers to becoming a witch hunt.
From being relatively unknown, people thrown into the spotlight can become online “pariahs”. And this can cause distress and mental health issues.
Camera phones and social media can be a deadly mix. When there is a disproportionate response that turns into online bullying, it can cause the person being attacked to become socially isolated to shield away from the backlash, and it may result in acts of self-harm and the formation of other negative habits to cope with the derision, for example resorting to substance abuse, hurting others, or suicide.
I believe Singaporeans ought to reflect on how we delight in the vilification of others when we feel morally justified to do so, because the magnitude of the response is often not commensurate with the transgression.
If we continue in such fashion as a nation, we may see our society become more vindictive and fearful of others, rather than kind, gracious and forgiving.
Image Source: Twitter
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