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#SpeedMatters, but Change Has Its Own Time Schedule

When we think of change in a business context, most people will either automatically think of a form of disruption – unwanted external factors reshaping an industry (eg; Uber re-landscaping the taxi scene); or perhaps planned internal change to be executed over the short or medium term (eg; movie theatres moving from film to disc).

But not all change is fast, and not all change is noticeable to those who are part of it. Some change eeeks itself out over years, decades even, and only becomes evident after a significant period of time.

The two articles below are great examples of extremely slow, incremental change, in industries/industry sectors that we might not even think of change as being relevant. But it is, and it catches up with us all, eventually.

So, if you think change is not affecting you, perhaps you need to step back and rethink.


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