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Thanks to Eugenie and Craig, Orchan has recently launched their new concept on PR facilities, being Chocolate Box PR. Imagine going into a store, where in front of you are a range of tempting chocolates, all packed in a selection of new boxes, some large, some small. Well, shouldn't PR be much the same?

The Orchan team researched specifically the needs of start-ups and SME's, and put together a select range of PR services, all conveniently named as chocolate box, designed to introduce start-up entrepreneurs to PR, but to also empower them to take on their own PR initiatives when they are ready.

So, you might ask, does this "empowerment" actually cut Orchan out of business? No, definately not. Start-ups often have low budgets for PR and other activities, and as such have no money for PR. What we are doing is helping those on a real budget to understand how to use PR and point them in the right direction so that they can handle a lot on their own - and as they grow and need additional support can come back for just that.

Ultimately, Chocolate Box PR is a set of PR packages to ease the start-up into the world of publicity, starting with some training and media awareness skills, leading up to publicity and a full blown product launch. Designed for start-ups and businesses that have not utilised PR before, Chocolate Box reates a framework for their entry into the wonderful world of PR.

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